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In our new reality, it’s hard to find stability and a solid footing that will keep you going, even when the ground is slipping away. But everyone has it behind their backs – you just need to find the strength to spread your wings. Our new collection is about people who have found that strength.

Part of the proceeds from the sale of each T-shirt and sweatshirt goes to the SUPERHUMANS CENTER, which provides prosthetics and rehabilitation for war victims. Our mechanical wings symbolize the strength of the SUPERhuman’s spirit which they unleashed by spreading their wings to inspire others to do the same.

The war continues, and the number of people who have lost their limbs is growing. So this is our new world, where we have to break down barriers not only in cities, but also in our minds. The winged don’t need ground…? Maybe so. But the winged need cool prosthetics and inclusive cities. This is the least we can do to thank them. 


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