AH_81470a09-2925-11ed-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bМаємо дещо незвичне. Для нас у першу чергу. Ця сукня-плащ дуже інакша і дуже експериментальна. ЇЇ можна носити як сукню, а можна як легкий плащ. Має авторський крій рукавів, паракордовий пояс та пару зручних кишень з контрастним підбоєм під будь-які потреби. Защіпки на кнопки, ззаду має конфігурацію накидки. Акцентний хлястик за потреби чи за бажання можна відщипнути. Сукня-плащ декорована дуже мінімалістично: UA вишите в тон на кишені та наше лого на спині згори.
AH_b2d7eac0-5f75-11ed-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bWe have something interesting for you, a transformer dress. Made of rather thick fabric, in khaki color, long, down to the floor. In terms of mood and style, it resembles a military uniform. Because the dresses fit the times. In the front, there are two patch pockets on the chest and two more down on the hem. At the waist, it is tightened with a twisted rubber band. It has a central zipper and a collar stand. In general, it can be worn as a dress and as a light raincoat with jeans or a skirt. Whichever fits you. On the back, there's an embroidered version of our Art of Military Operation tank print with a detached katsap tank turret.
AH_64fe2678-64ed-11e9-a21e-0cc47a40fa97A witch is not only threatening but also stylish. That is why hundreds of men were ready to sacrifice themselves for witches at different times. An extremely elegant polo dress in khaki color. Perfectly suitable not only for summer but also for early autumn or late spring. With little slits and ventilators.
On the left side of the chest there is an embroidered logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny.
The witch spells are inscribed below. This is how we get charmed.
On the right below there is short information about the women’s aviation regiment “The Night Witches”.
There is a print on the back, a kind of a Ukrainian pin-up. This is exactly what a true Ukrainian combat witch who can make it hot to the enemy should look like.See more women's dresses in the catalog
AH_76744137-eb50-11ea-a231-0cc47a40fa97A true wintch’s camouflage. Something in the middle between a uniform and a dress. In fact, it is an elegant long sleeve shirt dress in khaki with comfortable large pockets on the chest and on the bottom, with a belt that allows you fit it to your facny. The upturned collar gives some extra restraint, and the embroidered swallows – lightness and delicacy. Apart from these, there are few other decorations: the inscriptrion “The Night Witches” on one shoulder, the patch “UA” on the other one and our logo on the back top. There is something mythical and mysterious in that dress.See more women's dresses in the catalog