AH_21eb23c1-3bdf-11ed-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bAfter February 24, 2022, everything changed. We Ukrainians have changed. Our life and habits have changed. For many people, the values have changed. And the world, in general, has also changed. No one believes that the UN can decide anything anymore. And it is not a secret for anyone who is the number one terrorist state in the world (at least in this muscovites are the first). This unisex shirt is about this (mainly about our war). It’s made in military style and color, and in the patches and decorations we have collected certain symbolic things that emerged after February 24. Here are the Molotov cocktails (aka Bandera smoothies), and the ghost of Kyiv, and We are from Ukraine. And also the birds, our horrible chemical weapons, the hero of the new folk songs Bayraktar, Neptune, with which moscow was drowned, and the famous Chornobaivka. The central print on the back is Independence War (because this is our War for Independence), with the Battle for the New World and UA patches next to it. And this shirt is very functional. Two large front pockets with side entry and a Velcro flap. The sleeves have three buttons and a tab in the middle, very useful, so that the sleeves do not straighten when rolled up. On each sleeve, there is a flat invisible pocket for small things. Buttons in the front on a placket, and on one side behind them there’s a hidden inner pocket. Reinforced side seams at the bottom. And a few of our traditional decorations - a roundel on the shoulder and our logo on the upper back.
AH_c8eb7f23-f6d1-11ec-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bThis unisex shirt would be a perfect fit for Lara Croft if she had one. The best and most convenient for traveling. Very functional. The fabric is thick but quite soft. On the chest, there are two large patch pockets with access both from the top via a flap (fastened with Velcro) and from the side. Another hidden pocket is on the inside of the chest. The collar allows you to button up the shirt beneath the neck and feel comfortable. There are two more hidden pockets on the sleeves (you can put all kinds of small things there, such as cards or cash). The sleeves themselves have a hidden tab (which helps to keep the sleeves from rolling down when rolled up), two buttons on each cuff, an extra button on the upper armhole for comfortable adjustment, and velcro for patches on both sides. One patch is already included, it's our flag. The side seams at the bottom are reinforced to withstand a journey of any difficulty. On the upper back is our embroidered logo.
AH_abbc15cf-bd30-11eb-a236-0cc47a40fa97Paper planes are the closest representatives of aviation to a human. This is what gives us an idea of flight from childhood. A paper plane is very simple, but at the same time fascinating. It inspired us to create this women’s shirt or rather blouse. Khaki shirt made of quite dense, but soft and smooth fabric. There are light-weight plastic buttons on the ribbon. On the chest, there is a pocket with a stitched folding scheme of the plane. The collar resembles a paper plane being folded on one side. It matches the cut of the bottom of the shirt, which also resembles a folded sheet of paper. There are light prints of planes on the front and back, and our traditional decorative elements: the inscription “UA” on the sleeve and our embroidered logo on the back. We have never seen such a thing before. And neither have you.