AH_b8603d69-6995-11ed-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bБільше затишку та тепла з новим жіночим світшотом «То моє море», присвяченому 10-ій морській авіаційній бригаді. Майже класичний світшот темно-синього кольору, за винятком того, що рукави йдуть регланом. Спереду також є декоративні шви. На грудях — великий принт з обрисами Азовського моря, якір з тризубом та текстом «То моє море» (бо, хоча зараз Азовське море окуповане москалями, ми знаємо, що воно повернеться разом з усіма селами та містами на узбережжі). На лівому рукаві — принтований рондель з написом Ukrainian Air Forces, а на правому — назва бригади, що їй присвячено світшот.Інші жіночі світшоти можна переглянути в каталозі.
AH_f3e25904-fcd2-11ea-a231-0cc47a40fa97Minimalistic but offbeat women’s sweatshirt. It has an extraordinary cut due to the stitching on the front. There is a pocket for little things on the left sleeve. The hoodie is available in two colors – black and red. There are patches on the sleeves (on the black one the patches are in similar colors; on the red one the patches are contrasting, i.e. black) with the symbols of Ukrainian aviation brigades. The black hoodie contains only few bright details: the red roundel over our logo on the chest, ventilators and the inscription “UA” on the back top. All the elements of the red hoodie are contrasting. So, you can choose your variant guided by your nature. Cozy and reliable hoodie for city life, travels and almost all occasions.See more sweatshirts for women in the catalog
AH_6f8c0686-05da-11ee-9bad-ac1f6b742a2bWhen the east of Ukraine is liberated, the country will be free, and the day will become longer. Because now, the early sunrise together with Donbas has been taken away from us. But we believe this will not last long. This is what our new women's sweatshirt is about. It is black and has a large print on the front. The print features the sun in the form of a yellow and blue roundel, Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers and the inscription ‘Там, де сходить українське сонце’ (‘Where the Ukrainian sun rises’). On the sleeves, there is an Independence War patch and printed outlines of Ukraine with the inscription ‘Повернемо своє’ (‘We will retake ours’). There is our embroidered logo on the back. The sweatshirt has a high neck and a side zipper.
AH_af4271dd-eccb-11ec-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bThunderstorm is about power, and energy, it’s a force of nature that is impossible to stop. Our armed forces are also a force of nature and unstoppable power. Especially the 204 Brigade that showed strong spirit and force of valor leaving the occupied Crimea with their equipment. We have a polo shirt dedicated to them, and now here’s a new sweatshirt “Thunderstorm”. Comfortable and practical, with large front pockets with a lightning bolt print. In the front, it has a central zipper and a collar stand with a printed Brigade number. The sleeves and bottom hem have tight elastic cuffs. The sleeves are strengthened on the elbows and forearms with dense fabric for less wear-out, and the back of the collar and front pockets are decorated with the same fabric. A patch with Crimea styled by us and the Brigade’s motto is on the sleeve. Our embroidered logo is on the back, and below it, there’s a print of lightning and a skull in a flight helmet.
See more sweatshirts for women in the catalog
AH_81a2e9f1-b223-11ef-9bcb-00155dcd4802Легендарна I see you baby від Groove Armada на аеророзвідницький лад - тепер і на світшотах! Створили теплий і зручний жіночий світшот I SEE YOU про наших операторів FPV-дронів. Брутальне і стильне нагадування про тих, хто влаштовує у PDR-cьких окопах пекельні рейви, від яких буквально зриває дах. Вбирайтесь, грійтесь, надихайтесь!