AH_8b18daf1-28b8-11ef-9bc4-00155dcd4802Our new oversized women’s T-shirt with an original open seam and wide sleeves is
dedicated to the plane A-10 Thunderbolt. It was constructed by Alexander Kartveli, a
Georgian-American engineer, and then manufactured commercially in the US from 1975 till
1984. This very plane was often in sight of our pilots as one of the options for replacing the
Soviet aircraft. While our Air Force prepares to adopt F-16, we fantasize about how this
Thunder With A Really Big Bolt would have looked in blue-and-yellow livery; only this livery
can give a plane a Really Big Bolt. Despite its respectable age, A-10 Thunderbolt would
resolve many issues not only regarding protection of our skies, but also giving the enemy a
rough ride on “primordially” UKRAINIAN territories, if you know what i mean.
The song I see you babe by Groove Armada in Ukrainian aerial reconnaissance version would sound a bit more brutal. Our new women’s I SEE YOU T-shirt is about the tough guys with FPV drones that never leave PDRs (= shitheads) alone. FPV goggles have a phosphor coating, so those predatory eyes glow in the dark!
P.S. Keep in mind that the goggles will not glow if you just pull the T-shirt out of a dark closet, because, like an FPV drone, the phosphor needs to be ‘charged’: hold the T-shirt in the light or shine a flashlight on the image!
AH_f21ad6a3-e49e-11eb-9ba1-ac1f6b742a2bRed is love, and black is not sorrow. Sometimes it's just powerful colors that balance the meaning. For example, how on this women's T-shirt, dedicated to 12th helicopter brigade. A very active and brutal women's T-shirt that definitely provides wings and inspiration. Such a kind of energy to action. At the bottom — a print with attacking helicopters, and on the chest — our interpretation of the slogan "Вогонь запеклих не пече" with the signature of the brigade. Rondel on the shoulder and our logo on the back are our classic elements. The case where brutality fits.
AH_2c2fcd91-c1f6-11eb-a236-0cc47a40fa97We created a little collection of clothes named UA Navy. We started with a T-shirt dedicated to the flagship of our naval forces – the frigate “Sahaidachnyi”. This ship went through a lot of things, without breaking the oath in 2014. Afterwards, Odesa became its homeport. The ship still performs combat missions. For sure, it has been participating in Sea Breeze exercise for many years. This women’s T-shirt turned out to be bold and quite reserved. Perhaps, it is not just about the navy or a ship. It is about courage, loyalty and willpower allowing you not to give up in the face of dangers and threats. So, it suits everyone who supports these values. A neat black T-shirt with a large imprinted picture of the Ukrainian Navy flagship and a massive caption with the frigate’s name. There is the motto “І один у полі воїн” (“One soldier can make a battle”) on the back which fully corresponds to the story of the flagship. There are prints on the sleeves – one with the name of the greatest international military training taking place in Ukraine and the outline of the Black Sea, the other with a Ukrainian flag. There is a little imprinted logo of Aviatsiya Halychyny on the back top.
AH_543356f9-bc56-11ea-a230-0cc47a40fa97T-shirt, on which there is nothing superfluous. It is virtually a “little black dress” in the world of T-shirts) It is always appropriate and should be in the wardrobe of every young lady, regardless of age. Simplicity and elegance. Just a red and black roundel with a lion on the front and an imprinted logo on the back top.See more women's t-shirts in the catalog
AH_0eeb0de0-2df1-11ed-9ba8-ac1f6b742a2bMany, many years after our victory, we will write new fairy tales and legends. They will feature the Cyborgs, and the Steel Men... And there will be the Chimeras or HIMARS, the ferocious beasts that stood on the side of good and could destroy enemies wherever they were hiding and no matter how far away they were. That's what our new women's t-shirts are about. In a slightly new style for us, but no less mood driven. There is a large print on the front that features our predator itself. The outline of its head looks exactly like that of a real HIMARS, as well as the rocket launcher on its back. In general, the beast turned out to be a little fairy-tale, a little Prymachenko-esque. It shoots badly stinging snakes, and it's surrounded by stars all around (and at the bottom is the inscription HIMARS Time because that beast is mostly nocturnal). And the small text "With a little help from my friends" is a quote from The Beatles song, because we all know where that beast came from to our forests ;)P.S. You can choose any color to your taste.
AH_16293b14-fb05-11ed-9bac-ac1f6b742a2bT-shirt dedicated to our charity project “Buy Me a Fighter Jet”. We raised UAH 18,579,410.95, which were used to repair of 10 MiG-29 aircraft. Everyone wants to know how it feels to be a part of historic changes. And right now, you can experience just that.
AH_ef95328a-7d2a-11ed-9ba9-ac1f6b742a2bDark blue T-shirt with a large print on the chest. In it many different drones form a roundel in the colors of our flag. In the center of the roundel there's an inscription Join the Side of Light. Because both the Armed Forces of Ukraine and everyone who supports them are definitely on the side of the light. UA is printed on one sleev. And, traditionally, our printed logo in matching color is on the upper back.
AH_0bcfabdc-e49f-11eb-9ba1-ac1f6b742a2bWomen's T-shirt "THE FIRE OF FIERY 3.0", dedicated to the 12th brigade, now is in a new design.The front print depicts a helicopter in attack, which seems to be connected with a dragon blazing with fire, as a symbol of the strength and courage of helicopter pilots. On the back is our small printed logo and the our interpretation of the slogan of the brigade "Вогонь запеклих не пече". Ukrainian Air Force rondel on the shoulder.
AH_0dd37f0b-2824-11ec-9ba2-ac1f6b742a2bWomen's T-shirt with a clear position. The colour of T-shirt is light gray. It has black issues on the sleeves, collar and bottom. The quote "Люблю цю країну", that means "Love this country" is printed on stripes. On the back there is our logo and label dedicated to the series.
See more women’s t-shirts in the catalog.
AH_f02d7071-637f-11ee-9baf-ac1f6b742a2bThis women's T-shirt tells another heroic story of this war – a story about our pilots who, flying Su-25 at the beginning of the war, destroyed a huge convoy of ruzzian equipment near Mykolaiv. In this way, they not only supported the ground units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, but also helped to hold the city. We are immensely grateful to them for this, as well as to everyone who defends our country. The T-shirt in Marengo color, with a print of Su-25 and burnt military equipment on the front, as well as a print with values that help in this war. On the back, there is our logo and a brief description of the story:
‘In the first days of the great war, the Ukrainian Air Force with four Su-25 burned out a huge column of enemy vehicles near Mykolaiv. Probably, it was thanks to this battle and the perseverance of the Armed Forces units on the ground that Mykolaiv withstood.’
AH_49243c8a-2824-11ec-9ba2-ac1f6b742a2bWomen's black T-shirt "Хай правда наповнить наше повітря" that means "Let the truth fill our air." If a revolution could look elegant, it would look like this. At the bottom left there is a printed application with a quote. On the back on the top there is a label, dedicated to the series and our logo.
See more women’s t-shirts in the catalog.